Ortrexyl | Kalpa Pharmaceuticals Ortrexyl Sale | Buy Ortrexyl | Order Ortrexyl | Purchase Oral Tren | Methyltrienolone Reviews | Steroids For Sale


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37.50 USD 50.00 USD


Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Pack: 100 tabs (250 mcg/tab)

Out of stock


Ortrexyl by Kalpa Pharmaceuticals is an oral anabolic steroids which contain 250mcg per tab of the hormone Methyltrienolone and it is merchandised in a pouch with 100 tabs. Methyltrienolone, (also known as Metribolone or R1881) is a potent, non-aromatizable androgen which has also been used as a photoaffinity label for the androgen receptor.It is the 17-methylated derivative of trenbolone, and is a similarly potent anabolic steroid, but with high potential for hepatotoxicity.

By being a veterinarian product, Ortrexyl have never been used for people, so it has NO therapeutic indication.

Ortrexyl is the most powerful overall steroid in use by bodybuilders today. Tren, as it is often called, is both highly androgenic and anabolic. It is chemically unable to aromatize, and therefore produces no estrogen buildup. This, along with its high androgenic properties, makes the muscle produced by this drug very hard and defined. Ortrexyl first got its reputation when it was used in the legendary steroid, Parabolan. Users of this drug often noted dramatic results that were nothing short of amazing, and after it was unfortunately discontinued, the remembered effects of the substance gave it cult like status and the market was flooded with bunk Parabolan amps by those looking to profit off the extreme popularity and fan base that this steriod's incredible results had sparked. Ortrexyl was also used in cattle implant pellets, where the substance was used to increase the lean mass of the cattle, while reducing the fat on the animals. Kits became widely available on the internet allowing bodybuilders to convert these pellets into injectable solution. Fina, as this homebrew oil was often called, quickly became a favorite of steroid users, like its relative, Parabolan, had done many years before. Ortrexyl can be liver toxic and users should keep usage of this product to reasonable dosages and time frames. Typically 1-2 (250mcg) tablets of Ortrexyl for two to three weeks. Because of its strong androgenic properties, Ortrexyl should not be used by women.


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